Tutorial unkn (via ActivityPub)

frio theme - Service Unavailable

Hi there @Friendica Support
just changed on this profile to FRIO as VIER seems to basically not perform the basic functions.

When I try to go to the settings page I get a "Service Unavailable" page.

What should I do?

friendica 2023.05 - firefox

utopiArte unkn (via ActivityPub)

Service Unavailable
unable to create directory /var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/90/4f/52

Exception thrown in /var/www/html/src/Core/Renderer.php:90
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/view/theme/frio/config.php(199): Friendica\Core\Renderer::replaceMacros()
#1 /var/www/html/view/theme/frio/config.php(141): frio_form()
#2 /var/www/html/src/Module/Admin/Themes/Embed.php(89): theme_admin()
#3 /var/www/html/src/BaseModule.php(244): Friendica\Module\Admin\Themes\Embed->content()
#4 /var/www/html/src/App.php(703): Friendica\BaseModule->run()
#5 /var/www/html/index.php(52): Friendica\App->runFrontend()
#6 {main}
#3 #2 #1 #4 #5 #6
Friendica Support reshared this.

Rockdiscothek Exit Revival friendica (via ActivityPub)
!Friendica Support Ich nehme an, dass es mit dem Update von Anonsys auf die neue dev-Version zusammenhängt: Ich habe drei Nutzerkonten (dieses + zwei Forenaccounts). Seit ein paar Tagen passiert es immer, wenn ich einmal zwischen den Konten wechsele, dass ich dann nicht mehr richtig zu dem ersten Konto zurück komme. Scheinbar ist das erste Konto wieder ausgewählt, aber wenn ich dann da Benachrichtigungen, Home usw. aufrufen möchte, wird dies wieder mit dem Forenaccount geöffnet und die Meldung "forbidden" erscheint.
Erst wenn ich die Session ganz neu starte, komme ich wieder zum ersten Account.

// @Tuxi 🐧 ✅

Welcome everyone to the Dogs group. Now post your doggo pictures!

#dog #dogs #doggo
Hans hubzilla (AP)
No tags @🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 , if you ask for something you should pay attention :-)
What do you mean by no tags?

@dogs @QOTO

Koena Connect mobilizon (AP) (via DFRN)
9h-9h30 Koena & Mobilizon : Accessibilité web pour toutes et tous
Starts:  Friday July 16, 2021 @ 9:00 AM
Finishes:  Friday July 16, 2021 @ 9:30 AM

Accessibilité web pour toutes et tous !

Savez-vous comment les personnes handicapées naviguent-elles sur les sites web ?

Avez-vous vu le bouton "Contact accessibilité" en haut du site Mobilizon ? Savez-vous à quoi il correspond ?

Les questions autour de l'accessibilité numérique vous intéressent-elles ?

Savez-vous comment rendre des sites accessibles ?

Le projet Koena Connect : la médiation au service de l'accessibilité numérique

Pour parler accessibilité numérique, venez découvrir le nouveau projet de Koena en partenariat avec Framasoft !

Il suffit de cliquer sur ce lien pour accéder au webinaire !

NB. Si vous avez des besoin spécifiques ou si vous avez des soucis avec la visio, vous pouvez appeler Koena sur le +33 (0)9 72 63 21 28

Il s'agit d'une plateforme de médiation, accessible via les sites, Keskonfai et Colibris. Cette plateforme est en phase d'expérimentation jusqu'au mois de septembre, c'est donc le moment de la tester !

Pendant ce webinaire, des membres de l'équipe Koena et Mobilizon, feront des démos de leurs sites respectifs.

Vous aurez également la chance de tester la plateforme de médiation avec l'aide de l'équipe Koena.

Si le créneau horaire 9h - 9h30 ne vous convient pas, vous trouverez d'autres créneaux :Nous avons hâte d'échanger avec vous sur l'accessibilité et l'inclusion numérique !

!Friendica Support

Moin *

Mache seit 3-4 Wochen die Beobachtung, dass Bilder aus Shares eines #Pixelfed - Users gedoppelt werden.

Das ist sogar dann so, wenn mein Post nach #Mastodon geshared wird.

Doppeltes Bild in Friendica

Doppeltes Bild in Mastodon geshared

Upgrade error

!Friendica Support

I tried upgrading my Friendica from 2020.03 to 2021.01

I erase all files.

I then uploaded the new version.

I then used the following file from the old version: config and addon config as well as the .htaccess files.

Once i did this and looked at the website again, I got the following errors:

PHP Warning: require_once(/var/www/clients/client1/web12/web/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/clients/client1/web12/web/vendor/autoload.php on line 5
PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/clients/client1/web12/web/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/clients/client1/web12/web/vendor/autoload.php on line 5

Any clues as to what this error is from?

I installed my back up for now so that I could write this message.


Joseph Hogan friendica (via ActivityPub)

I am asking these questions as a total newbie, who does nto understand how GIT works or the best practices.

I just want to understand it enough so that I can safely upgrade my friendica server and not screw everything up.

So, you are saying that I can use GIT and just update everything directly to the ,main directory? I'll make a back up, so that I can restore things if needed.
Joseph Hogan friendica (via ActivityPub)

I am not a programmer.

I am an end user who just wants to run Friendica.

I am not looking to erase history, just have a streamlined less bulky code.

If all these extra comments automatically come with the code, than I will need to add them to my site.

I thought that the comments and history would be for the programmers, and not be needed/included in the released version.


Cannot remove empty categories

Hello Supporters,
on my Home-Status page there are two categories which I don't use anymore. How do I remove them?


/network causes memory use spike on server

Is it expected behaviour for the Friendica server to require over 700MiB to render a single page for a single user?

I'm seeing a lot of OOM-killer activity in my system logs, and it seems to coincide with me accessing /network on my remote browser. Memory usage briefly shoots from a resting 300MiB to 1GiB (the server's RAM limit), then httpd is oom-killed.

I'm running on a Linode server with Arch linux, latest Apache 2.4.46-3 with mpm_prefork_module and php 7.4.16-1.
mark friendica (via ActivityPub)
I ran mysql_upgrade, and it seems that the memory spikes have gone. I had forgotten about a mariadb update, it seems. Thanks very much for your help, @utzer , and @Michael Vogel , I look forward to the next release.
utzer [Friendica] friendica (via ActivityPub)
@mark lets see if that really helped, but it was one thing I did and I think it improved here too.
You're welcome.

Best upgrade path?

@Friendica Support

HI you all. I've been busy lately, so not much activity lately. But, I am back on line a little more now and again.

I am currently on v2020.03

I have been unable to upgrade due to a few server constraints. These will be resolved i the next 2- 3 weeks.

Being that my version is 3 versions old, what is the best way to upgrade? Do I upgrade one version at a time? 2020.06, then 2020. 09 and then 2020.012?

Or, can I just upgrade directly you 2020.12?

A well, I will be switching to Maria DB from MySQL. Will this have any impact?


Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
Latest release note say "If you are updating from an older version than the 2020.03 release, please first update your Friendica instance to that version." so you're good, you can upgrade directly to the last release.

As for the MariaDB switch, it is transparent for Friendica, nothing to change.
Joseph Hogan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Friendica Support @Hypolite Petovan @Pierre Bernardeau @Michael Vogel @silverwizard

Thanks for the feedback.

I did see the notes. But, I just wanted to make sure that you might have heard of some hiccups for others making a similar 3 version jump.

Once i get there, I'll get back at you with feedback.


Hello everyone,
excited to use this software. Just have a few questions.
How do I enable invite only registration? I've read the docs, my config file is missing a line for invitations.
Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
The config key is system.invitation_only. Most config keys have to be added manually to your own local config file but you can get an exhaustive list of all the config keys in static/defaults.config.php.
IcePhreak friendica (via ActivityPub)
Thank you my friend.

oops I did a bad thing...

Hi !

I'm the administrator of my node. For a test I have changed my e-mail address. Then I've seen that I couldn't go to the admin menu. I would change my address back to the admin but I can't. Is that a bug ? Can I try to change it in database directly ?
Stanislav N. aka pztrn friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Pierre Bernardeau You can try change in database or in configuration file (and change via web UI later).
Steffen K9 🐰 friendica (via ActivityPub)
Not a bug. A security feature!

Configure a different admin email address in your .../config/local.config.php file. Be careful who's email you put there. Then you can change your user's email back to the old/right email address. And then you can change the address in the config file back to the right address.

Friendica extremely slow since update to 2020.09 and 2020.09.1

At the beginning of this week I updated to 2020.09, and since then Friendica has run very slowly. When I reboot the VPS, it runs very fast for a short while, and then gets bogged down again. I use Plesk to monitor the VPS, which is only running Friendica, and almost the entire 4 GiB of memory is constantly in use. I can also see that the "Apache & PFP-FPM" memory usage is at 792 MiB, which I believe is high.

However, I cannot figure out why this is occurring and see no apparent errors in the logs. But also because I have had no errors in the 6 months I've been running Friendica, I don't know exactly what is "normal." Any assistance troubleshooting this would be greatly appreciated.
Just to report back. Since the update to 2021.01 I don't have to restart php constantly any more. #Friendica is faster and makes more fun than ever.

Thanks to all the developers and contributors.
hoergen (Ai) friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Matt Panhans There was a big database structure update and a lot people reported while the task was running, that friendica was very slow. It can happend, that this task is running for a long time. Just let it run and see in the support forum for the threads about it.

remote_self and the twitter connector

Do they play along nicely at the moment?

For the Friendica news / blog, the distribution chain is currently

  • Write a posting to the blog
  • will collect the Atom feed and publish it for @Friendica News
  • and the twitter connector will publish a teaser to the news account there

however the very last step seems not to be working at the moment. @Steffen K9 🐰 had to post the teaser manually.

!Friendica Support
utzer [Friendica] friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Tio except non AP accouts I assume.
Matthias Pfefferle mastodon (AP)
only per user for now.

Blocken: Melden? Wie?

!Friendica Support
Anlässlich einer Häufung von Registrierungen, die ein Troll momentan auf Diaspora vornimmt, um damit andere User anzugreifen, frage ich mich, wie effektives Blocken bei Friendica funktioniert.

Ich meine hier bewusst nicht das userseitige Blocken, welches jeder selbst durchführen kann. Das habe ich verstanden, praktiziere es und es scheint für mich auch ausreichend gut zu funktionieren.

Meine Frage zielt ein oder zwei Ebenen höher: Gibt es ein standardisiertes Verfahren, einen User (oder eine ganze Instanz) zu melden, so dass dieser instanzweit oder gar netzwerkweit geblockt wird?

Ich gehe davon aus, dass jeder Betreiber einer Instanz für sich entscheidet, ob und wen er blockt und es keinen netzwerkweiten Automatismus gibt. Und mir ist bewusst, dass hier eine missbräuliche Nutzung eine massive Gefahr für die Federation ist, also ist Vorsicht geboten.

Aber trotzdem braucht man wohl auch effektive Schutzmechanismen, die nach meinem Verständnis mindestens instanzbasiert ansetzen müssten.

Daher meine Fragen:
1. Was tut ein einfacher User, wenn er glaubt, einen Account oder Instanz entdeckt zu haben, der sich illegitim verhält und seiner Meinung nach(!) geblockt werden sollte? Dem Instanzbetreiber melden - wenn ja, auf welchem Weg?
2. Gibt es eine Abstimmung zwischen den Instanzbetreibern hinsichtlich von Blocklisten?

utzer [Friendica] friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Matthias/E ich würde jetzt mal behaupten das es im standard dazu noch nichts gab, außer vielleicht das es eine Meldefunktion geben solle. Mir wurde mal erklärt, dass dieser Standard eher allgmein gehalten ist.
Paula Gentle on Friendica friendica (via ActivityPub)
Daher meine Fragen:
1. Was tut ein einfacher User, wenn er glaubt, einen Account oder Instanz entdeckt zu haben, der sich illegitim verhält und seiner Meinung nach(!) geblockt werden sollte? Dem Instanzbetreiber melden - wenn ja, auf welchem Weg?
2. Gibt es eine Abstimmung zwischen den Instanzbetreibern hinsichtlich von Blocklisten?
Dem bisher gesagten entnehme ich zusammenfassend, dass es bislang keinen standardisierten Weg für Friendica gibt - und föderationsübergreifend schon mal gar nicht.

Bleibt nur, dem jeweiligen Instanzbetreiber und/oder meinem eigenen eine PN zu schicken - falls der/die das überhaupt so möchte.
utzer [Friendica] friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Paula Gehrke on Friendica ich würde ggf. noch das helpers oder Admins forum empfehlen, ich denke Admins ist besser. Die Admins, also auch ich, freuen uns über Hinweise, wir sind ja auch in unserer Blase und sehen so Accounts nicht unbedingt selber.
hoergen (Ai) friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Paula Gehrke on Friendica Ich hatte mal im Friendica Directory Repos einen Vorschlag dazu gemacht

Photo permissions don't work [solved]

Hi folks!
I am using friendica version 2020.09-01 and I wonder if this issue is known by anyone else:
uploading or editing a photo and setting
- "public" permission works fine :)
- "Limited/Private" permission doesn't work with "Show to:" for persons or groups. The person or the one of the related group has no access to the photo. One can read posts with the same permission restrictions, but doesn't see the photos :(

Any ideas?
If I understood you right: both.
As soon as I change the permission of a photo from "Public" to "Limited/Private" nobody has access to it and can't see it in posts nor in "Photos" except the owner, no matter who's listed in "Show to:".
You mentioned "private albums". I just had a closer look and was not able to set album permissions ("Vier" theme). I only have the permission option for single pictures.

Hope it helps ...
The problem seems to be solved since the update from 2020.09-01 to 2021.01 has been successfully installed :) Thank you so much!

Steffen K9 🐰 friendica (via ActivityPub)
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