
La Grande Dame (The Cat Woman) by surrealist Leonora Carrington goes up for auction

Created in 1951, almost a decade on from her relocation to Mexico, the carved wooden sculpture stems from a period of febrile creativity during which Carrington fell in with a clique of artists who shared her fascination with spiritualism and the occult. Standing well over six feet tall, La Grande Dame is a poised, puzzling figure with elongated features and an indecipherable expression spread across its spade-shaped head.

Bubbles: Shopping Cart Venture - Part 2

1:17 min video
#lol #video #bubbles #shoppingcart

Good one too :)
Brian Ó diaspora
IME student drivers usually drive like an old couple going to church.

Grammar Popo
#cartoon by Dave #Whamond


There is a future for this kid

Battle of the Raz de Sein of 1798

#art by John Christian #Schetky

We had to bump our disk storage this month, which is very exciting because it means people have been uploading so much wonderful music.

However, it also means our server costs have gone up and we're dependent on our community for staying running.

Invitation to the hybrid #netaudio barcamp

'music people before profit'

November 2nd starting 14:00 CET

live stream at:

Not every #music producer wants to be a superstar or make a business out of it. How does that work? What experiences do music people have using Creative Commons licenses (#ccmusic)? Let's talk about it.

Music creators from various web labels and musicians talk about the distribution of music beyond $potify an co

organized by:
@dlikdh @luka @knrd
graphic design of the event in monochrome colors
graphic design of the event in monochrome colors with the program of the event:<br><br>14.00 welcome and introduction to Barcamp by Konrad, Luka, and Stoffel, new music platforms by Konrad<br>14.30 Simon (12rec), Linn R. Friberg (Aurora Compilations), moderated by Luka<br>15.20 Stoffel CC Player lecture<br>15.40 Luka P.: #<a href=BeYourOwnPlatform presentation<br>16.00 ps (enough records) and Douglas (blocSonic), moderated by Konrad<br>17.00 open discussion<br>17:30 conclusion/summary by Luka & Konrad<br><br>moderators and organizers:<br><br> Konrad Behr (clongclongmoo, phonocake)<br> luka prince lucija (Kamizdat,<br> FC Stoffel (der kleine grüne Würfel)" title="graphic design of the event in monochrome colors with the program of the event:<br><br>14.00 welcome and introduction to Barcamp by Konrad, Luka, and Stoffel, new music platforms by Konrad<br>14.30 Simon (12rec), Linn R. Friberg (Aurora Compilations), moderated by Luka<br>15.20 Stoffel CC Player lecture<br>15.40 Luka P.: #BeYourOwnPlatform presentation<br>16.00 ps (enough records) and Douglas (blocSonic), moderated by Konrad<br>17.00 open discussion<br>17:30 conclusion/summary by Luka & Konrad<br><br>moderators and organizers:<br><br> Konrad Behr (clongclongmoo, phonocake)<br> luka prince lucija (Kamizdat,<br> FC Stoffel (der kleine grüne Würfel)">

Exploiting Meta’s Weaknesses, Deceptive Political Ads Thrived on Facebook and Instagram in Run-Up to Election


In December, the verified Facebook page of Adam Klotz, a Fox News meteorologist, started running strange video ads.

Some featured the distinctive voice of former President Donald Trump promising “$6,400 with your name on it, no payback required” just for clicking the ad and filling out a form.

In other ads with the same offer, President Joe Biden’s well-known cadence assured viewers that “this isn’t a loan with strings attached.”

There was no free cash. The audio was generated by AI. People who clicked were taken to a form asking for their personal information, which was sold to telemarketers who could target them for legitimate offers — or scams.

Klotz’s page ran more than 300 of these ads before ProPublica contacted the weather forecaster in late August. Through a spokesperson, Klotz said that his page had been hacked and he was locked out. “I had no idea that ads were being run until you reached out.”

Klotz’s page had been co-opted by a sprawling ad account network that has operated on Facebook for years, churning out roughly 100,000 misleading election and social issues ads despite Meta’s stated commitment to crack down on harmful content, according to an investigation and analysis by ProPublica and Columbia Journalism School’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism, as well as research by the Tech Transparency Project, a nonpartisan nonprofit that researches large tech platforms. The organizations combined data and shared their analyses. TTP’s report was produced independently of ProPublica and Tow’s investigation and was shared with ProPublica prior to publication.

The network, which uses the name Patriot Democracy on many of its ad accounts, is one of eight deceptive Meta advertising operations identified by ProPublica and Tow. These networks have collectively controlled more than 340 Facebook pages, as well as associated Instagram and Messenger accounts. Most were created by the advertising networks, with some pages masquerading as government entities. Others were verified pages of people with public roles, like Klotz, who had been hacked. The networks have placed more than 160,000 election and social issues ads on these pages in English and Spanish. Meta showed the ads to users nearly 900 million times across Facebook and Instagram.

The ads are only a fraction of the more than $115 billion Meta earns annually in advertising revenue. But at just over $25 million in total lifetime spend, the networks collectively rank as the 11th-largest all-time advertiser on Meta for U.S. elections or social issues ads since the company began sharing data in 2018. The company’s failure to block these scams consistently highlights how one of the world’s largest platforms struggles to protect its users from fraud and deliver on its nearly decadelong promise to prevent deceptive political ads.

Most of these networks are run by lead-generation companies, which gather and sell people’s personal information. People who clicked on some of these ads were unwittingly signed up for monthly credit card charges, among many other schemes. Some, for example, were conned by an unscrupulous insurance agent into changing their Affordable Care Act health plans. While the agent earns a commission, the people who are scammed can lose their health insurance or face unexpected tax bills because of the switch.

The ads run by the networks employ tactics that Meta has banned, including the undisclosed use of deepfake audio and video of national political figures and promoting misleading claims about government programs to bait people into sharing personal information. Thousands of ads illegally displayed copies of state and county seals and the images of governors to trick users. “The State has recently approved that Illinois residents under the age of 89 may now qualify for up to $35,000 of Funeral Expense Insurance to cover any and all end-of-life expenses!” read one deceptive ad featuring a photo of Gov. JB Pritzker and the Illinois state seal.

More than 13,000 ads deployed divisive political rhetoric or false claims to promote unofficial Trump merchandise. ...

Rest if article:
#ProPublica #meta #facebook #political #ads

When AI takes my job...

#cartoon by #Matt

taz mastodon (AP)
In der libanesischen Stadt Baalbek sind 80.000 Menschen von israelischen Angriffen bedroht. Die Luftangriffe verschärfen die humanitäre Krise.!6042946

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
Der EU drohen weitere Zölle bei einer Wiederwahl Trumps

Eine weitere Amtszeit Trumps als US-Präsident ist möglich - und verursacht Sorge in der EU. Es laufen bereits Vorbereitungen, um der harten Wirtschaftspolitik des selbsternannten Deal-Königs entgegen zu wirken. Von Christian Feld.


#USA #Zölle #EU


La Grande Dame (The Cat Woman) by surrealist Leonora Carrington goes up for auction

Created in 1951, almost a decade on from her relocation to Mexico, the carved wooden sculpture stems from a period of febrile creativity during which Carrington fell in with a clique of artists who shared her fascination with spiritualism and the occult. Standing well over six feet tall, La Grande Dame is a poised, puzzling figure with elongated features and an indecipherable expression spread across its spade-shaped head.
HU Art Sound (2) reshared this.

See red vote blue

Just meant the color not the green new deal

taz mastodon (AP)
Im Augsburger Gefängnisskandal meldet sich nun auch der Justizminister zu Wort. Und es gibt erste personelle Konsequenzen.!6042875

Painting (1960)

#art by William #Scott

Hope 5 (2014)

#art by Kourtney #Roy
#art #Roy


#cartoon by Drew #Sheneman

Countdown to the US election
#cartoon by Joep #Bertrams
That's my birthday. Should I be worried?
Maybe that's when they finally figure out that all the votes don't count because the orange guy with the funny hair says so.

Royel Otis - Murder on the Dancefloor


2:54 min live music video
#music #alernative #RoyelOtis


In the kisser

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
8.000 Soldaten in Kursk - USA erwarten Einsatz nordkoreanischer Streitkräfte

Steht ein Einsatz nordkoreanischer Soldaten in der Ukraine kurz bevor? Die USA gehen laut Außenminister Blinken davon aus. 8.000 Soldaten sind demnach bereits in der russischen Grenzregion Kursk.


#Ukraine #Russland #Nordkorea

taz mastodon (AP)
Starkregen, Fluten, Dürre, Hitze – all das macht die Klimakrise wahrscheinlicher. Um sich daran anpassen zu können, wäre Klimaschutz umso wichtiger.!6042871

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
Marktbericht: US-Tech-Riesen locken nicht mehr

Selbst gute Zahlen von Technologieriesen wie Meta und Microsoft halfen der Wall Street heute nicht. Vor den Wahlen und neuen Daten vom Arbeitsmarkt zogen sich die Anleger zurück.


#Marktbericht #Aktien #Konjunktur #Inflation

taz mastodon (AP)
Im Norden des Gazastreifens wurden zahlreicher Felder und Gewächshäuser zerstört. Bei einem Luftangriff starben 93 Palästinenser.!6042945

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ Ukraine attackiert russische Region nahe dem Ural ++

Russland hat ukrainische Drohnenangriffe nahe dem Ural gemeldet, 1.300 Kilometer von der ukrainischen Grenze entfernt. Orban hofft auf Trump-Initiative zum Ende des Krieges. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


#Liveblog #Ukraine

Ancestry of American Population
#Ancestry #USA
ST20 diaspora
Oh more German than English...

taz mastodon (AP)
Frank-Walter Steinmeier besucht als erstes deutsches Staatsoberhaupt Kreta und wird mit Kriegsverbrechen und Entschädigungsforderungen konfrontiert.!6042968

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
Bischöfe fordern am Reformationstag mehr Einigkeit der Kirchen

Für viele Eltern und Kinder ist Halloween, doch für Christen steht der Reformationstag für viel mehr als Süßigkeiten. In Predigten wurde neben der Erinnerung an Luthers Thesen auch der Geist der Ökumene beschworen.


#Reformationstag #Kirche #Religion

taz mastodon (AP)
In Teilen Spaniens herrscht durch extremen Regen Chaos. Mehr als 100 Menschen kamen ums Leben. In der Kritik steht vor allem die Regionalregierung.!6046296

taz mastodon (AP)
Guten Morgen!
Die Karikatur zeigt Kim Jong-un, er telefoniert und sagt:"Heh, Donald, ich kann den Ukrainekrieg sogar in weniger als einem tag erledigen!" Draussen steigt eine Rakete in den Himmel auf.

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ Laut USA 8.000 Soldaten aus Nordkorea in Kursk ++

Nach US-Informationen halten sich bereits 8.000 nordkoreanische Soldaten in der Region Kursk auf. Präsident Selenskyj ist enttäuscht über die "Null-Reaktion" des Westens. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


#Liveblog #Ukraine

taz mastodon (AP)
Hans Gerd R. war u.a. wegen Beleidigung von Opferangehörigen und SEK-Polizisten, Verstößen gegen das Gewaltschutzgesetz und Hausfriedensbruch in einer Kita angeklagt.!6042872/
Bildbeschreibung: Ein Foto eines Plakats, das Ferhat Unvar zeigt. Es wurde im Rahmen einer Gedenkdemonstration getragen: Unter dem Motto Hanau ist überall gingen am 19.02.2024 ca. 1500 Menschen in Nürnberg auf die Straße um an den rechtsextremen, rassistisch motivierten Anschlag von Hanau 2020 zu erinnern. <br>Beschriftung: <br><br>„Zweifelsohne rassistisch“Der Vater des Hanau-Attentäters, Hans Gerd R., wurde am Donnerstag vom Amtsgericht Hanau zu einer Geldstrafe von 21.600 Euro verurteilt

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Niedersachsens Ministerpräsident gibt in der jetzigen VW-Krise den mahnenden Landesvater. Dabei hat er als Aufsichtsrat viel Einfluss.!6046301

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
Tote bei Luftangriffen in Israel und im Libanon

In Israel sind durch Raketenangriffe der Hisbollah sieben Menschen getötet worden. Die israelische Armee greift ihrerseits weiter Ziele im Libanon an - und attackiert auch eine Nachschubroute der Terrormiliz in Syrien.


#Israel #Libanon #Syrien #Nahost
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