Pro-Trump grifter gets what he DESERVES

33 sec video
#video #trump #supporter #briantylercohen #cartoon by Phil #Hands

Trump University

#cartoon by David #Horsey

Tim Pool: "We Should Apologize To Russia!" #whoopsie


8 min video

Longer video from 1 day ago:
#russia #russianasset #TimPool #TheMajorityReport
He should visit a grand jury about his dabbling in treason.
He loves to put his foot in his mouth, trying to sue everybody who disagrees with his babble for deformation and such, while not only contradicting himself but also attempting to tie his shoelaces...

A word from our sponsor

#cartoon by Bill #Bramhall


#cartoon by Jack #Ohman

#cartoon by Clay #Bennett

Jimmy Darrock - Surfin' Craze


3:13 min music video
#music #surf #JimmyDarrock #BeachBoys

Problem solver

Wipe-out hydrant
I hope he is okay and relieved of ever doing that job again. I suspect that 'best practice' was not being followed.

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
Nahost-Liveblog: +++ Israel greift offenbar Ziele in Syrien an +++

Die israelische Armee hat nach Angaben von Menschenrechtsaktivisten erneut Ziele in Syrien angegriffen. Der EU-Außenbeauftragte Borrell reist in den Nahen Osten und trifft Ägypten Präsident Al-Sisi. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


#Israel #Nahost #Liveblog

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
Kommunen fordern "Task Force" des Bundes für mehr Abschiebungen

Mehr und schnellere Abschiebungen - darauf drängt der Städte- und Gemeindebund. Dafür brauche es eine "Task Force" des Bundes. Die Polizeigewerkschaft zeigt sich offen für Zurückweisungen an Grenzen, allerdings nur unter bestimmten Bedingungen.


#Migration #Asylrecht #StädteundGemeindebund #Abschiebungen

Lawrence O'Donnell Predicts Exact Date Donald Trump Will Have 'Worst' Campaign Day Ever


Former President Donald Trump is about to have his worst campaign day ever, Lawrence O’Donnell predicted on Thursday.

In fact, the host of MSNBC’s “Last Word” warned it will be the “worst day any presidential campaign has ever had.”


On Sept. 26, said O’Donnell.

That’s the deadline that U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan set on Thursday for special counsel Jack Smith to file “his full evidentiary argument, in writing, about why Donald Trump can be charged with federal crimes” in his federal election interference case “even though the Supreme Court created a new presidential immunity from criminal charges for some of what Donald Trump did to overthrow the election results,” said O’Donnell.

Trump “will be the first presidential candidate in history to have a federal prosecutor outline in detail, in writing, including, possibly, secret material from a grand jury, describing Donald Trump’s federal crimes that the prosecutor says Donald Trump committed to overthrow the will of the American people in the last presidential election,” he explained.

It’s a “very bad day coming” for Trump, said O’Donnell.

10:25 min video
#trump #video #LawrenceODonnell

taz diaspora
Krieg in Nahost

Kippt die Stimmung gegen Netanjahu?

Von Felix Wellisch

Israel erlebt die größte Protestnacht seit Kriegsbeginn. Der Mord an sechs Geiseln in Gaza facht die Demonstrationen neu an. Netanjahu: unbeeindruckt.

Schwerpunkt: Nahost-Konflikt

#taz #tageszeitung #Hamas #Benjamin #Netanjahu #Massenproteste #Geiselnahme

Three Starlets
#art by Franco #Anselmi

Missed caturday yesterday?
#gif #cat
#cat #gif

Pants on fire

#fire #pants

Before the prince grew up...

#prince #charles

Putin riding a bear dressed as a trump supporter
#cartoon by Bart van Leeuwen #vanLeeuwen

The game of politics in the world

#cartoon by Nidal #Khalil (Syria)

Business (as usual)

#cartoon by Maarten #Wolterink

The babbler

#cartoon by Pat #Byrnes

Women and politics

#cartoon by Bahram #Arjmandnia (Iran)

LP - Lost On You (Live)


5:08 min live music video
#music #poprock #alternative #LP

Ren & Stimpy-Mad Dog Hoek

We did a haircut!

Yo chooms,

I'll be joining @herr_irrtum at the Berlin Fediverse Day, bringing some cyberpunk vibes to the scene.

Get ready for a night of electrifying beats and immersive sounds at the after-show.

Hope to see you there!

📍 Location: C-Base (Rungenstraße 20, Berlin)
🗓️ Date: September 14, 2024
⌚ Time: 7:00 PM

See you in the digital dusk!

P.S.: I'll bring stickers too (if you're nice!) :cyberheart_red:

#Cyberpunk #Techno #Fediday #BerlinFediday

Here’s Why We Shouldn’t Demean Trump Voters


Some of the best advice Democrats have received recently came from Bill Clinton in his speech at the Democratic National Convention.

First, he warned against hubris: “We’ve seen more than one election slip away from us when we thought it couldn’t happen, when people got distracted by phony issues or overconfident.” That’s something that any Clinton understands in his — or her — gut.

Second, related and even more important, he cautioned against demeaning voters who don’t share liberal values.

“I urge you to meet people where they are,” said Clinton, who knows something about winning votes outside of solid blue states. “I urge you not to demean them, but not to pretend you don’t disagree with them if you do. Treat them with respect — just the way you’d like them to treat you.”

That’s critical counsel because too often since 2016, the liberal impulse has been to demonize anyone at all sympathetic to Donald Trump as a racist and bigot. This has been politically foolish, for it’s difficult to win votes from people you’re disparaging.

It has also seemed to me morally offensive, particularly when well-educated and successful elites are scorning disadvantaged, working-class Americans who have been left behind economically and socially and in many cases are dying young. They deserve empathy, not insults.

By all means denounce Trump, but don’t stereotype and belittle the nearly half of Americans who have sided with him.

Since I live in a rural area, many of my old friends are Trump supporters. One, a good and generous woman, backs Trump because she feels betrayed by the Democratic and Republican political establishments, and she has a point. When factories closed and good union jobs left the area, she ended up homeless and addicted; four members of her extended family killed themselves and she once put a gun to her own head. So when a demagogue like Trump speaks to her pain and promises to bring factories back, of course her heart leaps.

Then her resolve strengthens when she hears liberals mock her faith — it was an evangelical church that helped her overcome homelessness — or deride her as “deplorable.”

Then there’s the woman who cut my hair: She had a daughter who was overcome with addiction, so she quit the shop to care for a grandson. Her successor cutting my hair lost her husband to an overdose and is struggling to help a son who is addicted. She isn’t much interested in politics and didn’t watch any of the Democratic convention; she said she distrusts Trump and sees him as a bully, but she is mad at Democrats because food prices are too high.

“I’m not sure how I’ll vote,” she told me, “or if I’ll vote.” She’s a good, hardworking person who would benefit from a Democratic victory, and Democrats should fight for her — not savage her for political thought crimes.

Working-class Americans have a right to feel betrayed. After almost 3,000 people died in the Sept. 11 attacks, we started two wars and allocated trillions of dollars to the response. But every three or four days we lose as many Americans to drugs, alcohol and suicide as died in the Sept. 11 attacks, yet the national response has been pathetically weak. The social fabric in many blue-collar communities has unraveled, and people are angry and frustrated.

Since the Obama presidency, Democrats have increasingly become the party of the educated, and the upshot has often been a whiff of condescension toward working-class voters, especially toward voters of faith. And in a country where 74 percent of Americans report a belief in God, according to Gallup, and only 38 percent over the age of 25 have a four-year college degree, condescension is a losing strategy.

Michael Sandel, the eminent Harvard philosopher, condemns the scorn for people with less education as “the last acceptable prejudice” in America. He’s right: Elites sometimes indulge in open disdain for working-class voters that they would never acknowledge about other groups.

I worry about Democrats neglecting their proud heritage since at least the time of Franklin Roosevelt of standing up for working-class Americans. Maybe it’s time for more educated liberals to reread F.D.R.’s famous “Forgotten Man” speech of 1932, hailing “the forgotten man at the bottom of the economic pyramid.”

We liberals today are attuned to identity and thus to racial and gender disadvantages, while often seemingly oblivious to class disadvantage — even though recent research by the Harvard economist Raj Chetty underscores that race is playing a smaller role in opportunity gaps while class gaps are yawning wider.

You can’t have a serious conversation about inequality today without discussing race. But you also can’t have a serious conversation about poverty or opportunity without considering class (and for many people of color, race and class disadvantages overlap).

Kamala Harris seems to get this. She chose as her running mate a man who can reach working-class voters with his words as well as his policies. And she can present herself as the candidate who worked at McDonald’s while her opponent was exploiting his inheritance — and renters.

I wasn’t planning to write this column, but then I approvingly tweeted Clinton’s comment about not demeaning those we disagree with. Plenty of readers replied hotly: But they deserve to be demeaned!

Sure, it’s satisfying to hurl invective. But calling people “Nazis” probably won’t win over undecided voters any more than when Trump supporters deride “libtards” or the “Biden crime family.”

Whatever our politics, Trump brings out the worst in all of us. He nurtures hate on his side that we mirror.

So let’s take a deep breath, summon F.D.R.’s empathy for the forgotten man, follow Clinton’s advice — and, for the sake of winning elections as well as of civility, remember that the best way to get others to listen to us is to first listen to them.
#trump #voters #NYT by #NicholasKristof

Unsere dumme Autoindustrie ist ewig den falschen Idealen nachgehechelt und nun ist das ein Problem fürs ganze Land! Warum eigentlich? Gab es etwa zu viel, oder doch eher zu wenig demokratische Kontrolle dabei, wie wir als Gemeinschaft, als Staat, als Volk, als Menschheit Entscheidungen treffen über unseren Umgang mit Technologie und Ressourcen und potentieller Verausgabungsleistung von Personen?
Ich frag ja nur, wenn ich mittragen soll, was ich niemals freiwillig tragen helfen wollen würde.

taz mastodon (AP)
Mehr als 100.000 Menschen protestieren gegen die Ernennung des neuen Regierungschefs. Der Konservative möchte in sein Kabinett auch Linke einbinden.!6032445

HU Art Sound (2) reshared this.

HU Art Sound (2) reshared this.

And now you know.
HU Art Sound (2) reshared this.

taz mastodon (AP)
Israel erlebt die größte Protestnacht seit Kriegsbeginn. Der Mord an sechs Geiseln in Gaza facht die Demonstrationen neu an. Netanjahu: unbeeindruckt.!6032407

HU Art Sound (2) reshared this.

"a yellow in the dreariness"
the rules of the game are simple - choose a photo (preferably your own), edit with gimp and tag #sundaygimp on a Sunday ;-) … and follow the tag.


(and also #Sunday-photo-edit )

Note: if you do not use gimp, but still want to play along, just use the tag #Sunday-photo-edit and edit the images with your favorite image editor

#AB, #AB24, #AB-09-24, #AB-SG, #AB-08-09-24, #gimp, #gmic, #Sundaygimp, #unterwegs, #on-the-way, #sur la route , #Tristesse-City, #Tristess, #Tristesse, #Tristessensammlung, #End-of-Sommer, #Häuserblock, #House block. #Bloc de maisons, #gelb, #yellow, #jaune. #Kunst, #Bildbearbeitung, #Bildmanipulation, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #photo, #Foto, #myphoto, #mywork (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
HU Art Sound (2) reshared this.

taz mastodon (AP)
Das BSW hat zwei neue Landesverbände. Doch in Sachsen-Anhalt und NRW steht die Partei vor unterschiedlichen Voraussetzungen.!6032430

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
Leben zwischen Trümmern - ein Jahr nach dem Beben in Marokko

Vor einem Jahr bebte im Atlas-Gebirge in Marokko die Erde. Die Schäden waren immens. Wie geht es den Menschen vor Ort? Überlebende beklagen den schleppenden Wiederaufbau. Kristina Böker war in der Region unterwegs.


#Marokko #Erdbeben

still true. sound logic. good warning. #awareness

#government #catastrophe #disaster #problemreactionsolution #corruption #emergency #emerencypowers #democracysuspended
thanks to whoever made that:

If you alow the gov. to break the law for an "emergency",

They will create "emergencies" to break the law.



taz mastodon (AP)
Die AfD ist in Regionen mit wenigen Flüchtlingen besonders stark. Auch die Angst vor dem Unbekannten treibt Leute in die Arme der Rechtsextremen.!6032448
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