Heute in der taz und auf https://taz.de: Bis 2030 will die EU 30 Prozent der Meeresfläche unter Schutz stellen. Pelagos ist das größte Meeresschutzgebiet der EU. Dort zeigt sich: Trotzdem stört der Mensch weiter die Natur.
Let's stop this juvenile, 'he's a criminal', pretending that everyone from Obama to Johnson* somehow wasn't.
That said, if this is true (even if it isn't, he's saying it), it would be orders of magnitude more diabolical than Reagan's people bribing Ayatollah Khomeini to delay the release of US hostages in order to defeat Carter. It is therefore damning and unforgivable.
So Trump is negotiating on his own with the leader of a foreign power. This is the domain of the Executive and the Dept. of State. But then, a lot of people who are not the President are in on that act these days.
But let us assume that all this is true and the challenger is engaged in this subterfuge. Can someone explain to me how this is somehow 'hamstringing' the dementia-patient-in-chief from restraining the Israelis? By talking with Netanyahu, is Trump taking away all the 'cards' that the current administration has to play to end the slaughter?
If that is the case, why even go through the formality of an election next month? By that reasoning, Trump is already the president.
i strongly doubt, that a fresh elected trump will go/sent into prison and when i hear all these anti-israelian "left"-wingers, that there is no difference between trump and harris .......... maybe you deserve this
and what will they do? Send the sheriff's office down to the White House for a shoot out with the Secret Service? Trump will just have the judge killed as "an official act".
Hair Furor is going to prison. At 61% of the population, there aren't enough white people to put that rancid vat of Cheese Whiz in office. Even when you consider that, as of the latest American Community Survey in 2022, US Census Bureau estimates that 60.9% of the US population were White alone, Non-Hispanic Whites were only 57.7% of the population. But of course, the dedicated MAGA-maggot White Insurrectionist Terrorist Element embedded in state election offices are going to try the same shit they pulled last time. I say round 'em up for expulsion to Russia, along with the phony elector folks, Speaker Mike, and the 147 GOP reps who voted to overturn the election last time.
if the judge insists, the judge will propably go to jail, or worst, but hey, there is "no difference" between harris and trump and hey, palestine über alles, right?
There's some wooly thinking going on here. Trump will be sentenced in mid November. He won't take office until late January. While he's being sentenced, Biden will be president. Yes, the judge can sentence him to correctional time and he may squeal briefly but he'll go to prison.
Good thing is he's pushing "states rights" like he knows what he's talking about... It's when there will be rotten, squeezed orange juice smelling up whatever is left of his own logic.
That Trump is postitioning himself to be one of the more powerdul and persuasive international autocrates there is. The man has personality defects and is mentally illl yet, his wealth protects him from the law.
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