REMINDER: In wenigen Tagen findet die große Stadtversammlung statt, bei der wir gemeinsam die Petition an Politiker*innen übergeben.
📆 8. Februar, 18-20 Uhr
🏫 Uni Leipzig Campus, Jahnallee 59 (Hörsaal 15) in Leipzig
[b]1️⃣ Meldet euch unter diesem Link an (der Raum ist bei 350 Plätzen begrenzt)[/b]:
👉 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeifePObZO-1usbHQE7LkMPrbmteS970St_QT3KB0zO9ZM0xw/viewform 👈[b]2️⃣ Informiert eure Bekannten, eure Freund*innen, und eure Gruppen über den Termin[/b]
If I change it to personal page/normal account page the setting appears:
Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your profile? wrote:
and I can change the setting to be visible.I went from there to change the profile back to public forum page but the contacts don't show up.
If I change back to "personal page/normal account page" the setting is activated as hidden again.
Also the setting "Make public posts unlisted" is always activated when I do this and somehow it feels like it's kinda stuck before disabling it.
(friendica 2023.05 old-stable)
Just set this page to "news page" and deactivated again the "Hide contacts" option which apparently always is activated by default.
Will leave it for a while to see if somehow it get's stuck.
So did changing account type back and forth help?
As of now not sure if that ever is gona to happen.
> changing account type back and forth
Nope, it didn't.
What I tried now is to go for changing other settings to see if something happens.
I unticked all options available in public forum. That was the first two "Publishing on local server" and "available on search results". At the same time I activated "All posted images available".
Now the followers are visible.
(I'll keep testing)
The followers are still displayed.
Deactivated "All posted images available".
The followers are still displayed.
Deactivated listing profile local and search profile global.
Now the follower profiles show up.
The hide followers option is desactivated.
Followers are visible, but only the total number and three profile avatars.
Some strange "eye" symbol is visible in the right upper corner.
Apparently it is possible to toggle it but no apparent change happens.
No hoover over text available.
(standard profile followers view on profile page)
Activating "hide contacts" again.
Follower profiles disapear.
Changing to public forum again.
Follower profiles are not available.
Deactivating profile searchable global.
Follower profiles show up.
Activating the option again leaves followers visible.
(public forum profile followers view on profile page)
Changing the setting of "publishing profile in local directory" has apparently the same unlocking effect.
I actually would need confirmation by another friendica 2023.05 of this behavior to exclude any doubts of a server/node/installation specific problem.